每位家长都有一套管教自家熊孩子的模式,有说教式奇米影视网址是多少,物资赏罚式,以至会动用“武力”。近日,有网友在红迪网发起计议,主题是“你遭逢最豪恣的家规或刑事包袱是什么?”,有东说念主称我方曾因老练得B而被父母禁足两年;还有东说念主被罚不成用电,晚上写功课靠油灯。有些回报果真让世东说念主忍不住暗意悯恻。 起头:逐日邮报网站截图
Every parent has their own ways of dealing with troublesome kids - but some are more extreme than others. 每位家长都有一套管制熊孩子的模式,然则有些东说念主愈加顶点。
'My parents once grounded me for 2 years for getting a B on my report card,' recalled one user. 'Took everything out of my room besides the bed, and I wasn't allowed to do anything with friends. 一位用户回忆说念:“我曾因为老练得B而被父母禁足两年。除了床之外,把我房间里扫数的东西都充公,不允许我和一又友们作念任何事。”
'A year and a half into it I asked if I could be un-grounded, and at that point they had actually forgotten what they grounded me for, but refused because: "I must have done something bad if they grounded me."' “一年半之后,我问他们是否不错解禁,那时他们如故健忘当初为什么把我禁足了,但如故闭幕放我出去,意义是:‘我一定作念了什么赖事,是以他们才禁足我’。”
The same user claimed that his/her parents 'refused to let me stay up past 8pm. Even in high school.' 这位用户还称,父母“不允许他/她熬夜超越晚上8点,高中时也不异。”
There were swathes of strange items banned from the childhood homes of the users, including Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons games for being 'satanic' and, in one bizarre case, straws. 有些网友称,小时分家里窘态其妙阻遏他们斗殴好多东西,比如“荼毒的”《哈利•波特》、龙与地下城游戏奇米影视网址是多少,而最奇怪的是阻遏用吸管。
'My dad wouldn't let me use straws because he said it could cut through my tongue or cheek like a hole punch,' said one user. 一位网友说:“我爸爸不让我用吸管,因为他说那东西会像打孔机不异穿破我的舌头或面颊。”
Some people revealed that they had even been punished for something one of their friends had done. 有东说念主暗意,他们以至曾因一又友的活动而受到刑事包袱。
'My brother and I were grounded from watching TV for a year because a friend had "left our shed messy,"' one wrote. 一位网友写说念:“因为一个一又友‘把我家的棚屋弄得杯盘狼藉’,我和哥哥一年都不准看电视。”
One of the more abusive instances saw one child banned from using public restrooms because of 'STDs and rapists' - a rule that caused lifelong problems. 更诞妄的是,有网友被阻遏使用全球茅厕,意义是这可能会感染“性病,遭逢强奸犯”。这个握法一直让他很困扰。
'I quite honestly had accidents when I was far too old to do so because my parents had my teachers reporting bathroom use to them too. There was no place I could safely use the restroom other than home without getting into trouble.' “当我长大了,没概念再这样作念之后,我遭逢了贫乏。因为我的父母让敦朴向他们论说我上茅厕的情况。除了家里除外,我莫得能安省心心上茅厕的方位。”
As for strange specific punishments, some parents got pretty creative, such as one child whose parents decided to go one step further than just taking away the TV. 至于具体的仙葩刑事包袱,一些家长如故相配有创意的。比如,有家长不啻拿走了电视机。
'My mom grounded me from electricity when I got suspended and bought an oil lamp for me to use when doing homework in my room,' the user explained. 一位用户说:“我姆妈在刑事包袱我时,不让我用电。我在房间里作念功课时,她给我买油灯用。”
But not all crazy rules quite worked out. One grandmother thought she was pulling one over on her four-year-old grandchild by saying that 'I should never call someone a name that I couldn't spell.' 但不是扫数豪恣的家规都管用。一位网友4岁时被祖母应用,“不应该用我方不会写的词来名称别东说念主”。
丝袜美腿视频Soon enough, the user 'realized that I DID know how to spell 'dumb,' so that word must be permitted. I spent the rest of the day over-using the word 'dumb' and she wasn't quite sure what to do at that point.' 很快,这位网友“发现我方会写‘哑巴’”,那么这个词一定不错用。于是他一整天都提‘哑巴’,而祖母皆备无法可想。”
In another strange family situation, the children were not allowed to speak at the dinner table unless asking someone to pass a dish. 另一个仙葩家庭里,孩子们不不错在餐桌上话语,除非让别东说念主递菜。
'We could not talk about anything at all. No small/idle chat was allowed. First time you did it, you got yelled at. Second time was a whooping and then sent to your room, until the next day, without the rest of your meal,' the user wrote. 这位网友写说念:“咱们不不错评述任何事情。不允许闲聊。第一次犯错时,你会被呵斥。第二次就要被高声呵止,并被关进房间直到第二天,饭也无须吃了。”
英文来演:逐日邮报 翻译&剪辑:董静 审校:yaning奇米影视网址是多少